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David Aylwin

Team - David Aylwin glow

Engineer, CFEI

Bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering

In 2018, David Aylwin joined the multidisciplinary Pyrotech BEI team as a forensic engineer in mechanics. Member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec, he obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University Sherbrooke in 1996. 

As part of the Pyrotech BEI team, he carries out technical investigations to establish the cause of fires and failures in the mechanical field, including road vehicles and industrial sector. He also carries out investigations in search of the causes of fires in residential and commercial buildings.

David previously worked for nearly ten years in the field of road vehicle design and a dozen years as a specialist in structural calculation in the field of aeronautics.

In his spare time, his family is his priority. he enjoys outdoor activities, sports, and playing piano. He stubbornly repairs everything that breaks and always responds to offer his help to the people around him.

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